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Monday 8 December 2014

Lin needs to lift his game

Jeremy Lin became a super star after a 10game run with the New York Knicks a few seasons back when he was their point guard. He went from a nobody to a must have. The beginning of this season he was picked up by the Lakers to be their second PG to follow Steven Nash as he was expected to be able to start every game due to ongoing injuries.

This was a big chance for Lin to prove that his 10game streak was not a fluke but a real skill and the player that he is. This chance only increased when Steven Nash didn't even manage to make it past the first game, injuring himself and leaving him out for the rest of the season. Lin went from the second to the starter for the LA Lakers. Lin's performance was decent at best and average in reality. He was inconsistent and sometimes poor. Not even half way through the season and Lin has now been taken off starter and been replaced by Ronnie Price.

This will hopefully come as a wake up call for Lin that he needs to find his game and pick up his performance or risk losing more than his starting position for the Lakers. Jeremy W

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