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Sunday 7 December 2014

Fever: Cricket World Cup Twenty-Fifteen

As Cricket World Cup comes closer, excitement is increasing day by day. Cricket fever is reaching its peak. Team are getting ready for competition. Pakistan are playing with New Zealand, India with Australia, Sri Lanka vs England. Teams have already announced 30-men probables and now their is a fight amongst them those 30-men to make it to final 15. There are big number of supporter joining and buying ticket but ticket of quality matches are already gone. Ticket of Pakistan vs India were sold almost after 30minute when they went on sale. Now let us just talk about the issue in team as well. India are not willing to go the world cup with the lights of Gambhir, Sehway, Yuvraj and other senior players, they have preferred young guns over them. Pakistan are looking forward for mystery spinner Saeed Ajmal participation in the World Cup but before that he needs to get his action cleared, an unofficial test says that his action is under 15-degree but Pakistan might suffer another blow after Muhammad Hafeez has been report for suspect action. Ryder is not a part of black caps 30-me probables. Australia are looking strong but depends how they will respond to the death of Philip Hughes. South Africa also in a good position to win but we should know that Proteas are considered c
hokers. All in all, we can expect a classical show of cricket in the grounds of Australia and New Zealand.

-Muhammad Nauman Akbani 

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