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Sunday 7 December 2014

An interesting conference

This season in the NBA our usual conference line up has yet to be formed in this first several weeks of the season. A few teams are really making a mark that isnt common for them, with other teams not doing as well as to be expect. With so many changes to the teams especially the changes with Lebron James along with many other stars leaving the Heat for Cleveland.
In the Eastern conference we are seeing the Raptors leading followed by the Wizards with the Bulls and Hawks fighting it out for third. This season the Heat are yet to be seen as top contenders not even in the top 5. With most of the season still to come it is to early to say who will win and who will fall short, but it is safe to say that this season will not be as predictable as previous seasons.

In the Western conference things are equal as interesting with at least 4 teams all contenders for first and another 6 who are in the fight for top 3. The usual suspects to be seen at the top are also this season falling short. But one team who has been managing to stay in the running despite losing their top goal scorer is OKC, who in the next few weeks might be seeing an increased in their win loss with the return of Kevin Durant. Jeremy W

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