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Thursday 11 December 2014

first goal of the season winner announced

with over 43 percent of the votes, hassan nouman's has been voted as the best goal of the season 1! nouman employed gareth bale's speed and technique to full effect against the belgium backline to record his impressive goal. FIFA.com spoke to goal of the season 1 winner to discuss his impressive achievement. "i got fifa 15 on 31st october and knew i couldnt get 90 games in before season 1 ended, but i made sure to score a fantastic goal and send it to FIWC as soon as possible." nouman told FIFA.com
"it took me few hours to score that epic goal with gareth bale." he said "it was worth sending because bale superbly passed two defender with a perfect step-over, did a fake shot and set a beautiful angle from which to put the ball in the net."
while nouman has won the goal of season 1, he's just getting warmed up for his main challenge. "i did't complete 90 games in the first two seson. i focused on tips, tactics and mastering some skills. i am going to try my level best in season 3 to qualify for FIWC grand final and put pakistan in an official FIFA interactive world cup grand final for the first time ever !"\

-Amza Rahimi

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