What is your favourite sport?

Monday 24 November 2014

This blog will be dedicated to providing you with all things sports

Our blog is here to provide the great public of Australia with all things sports related. We will post on up to date news, results and current affairs in the sporting world. If there is something you need to know just leave us a comment and we will find it out.
Our favorite sports here at life of a sportsman is cricket, soccer, basketball, football and swimming, but we will provide you with information of all other kinds sports as well.

Our first update is the results of the South Africa vs Australia cricket game.
After an amazing game of cricket Australia managed to pull out this series with a huge 4-1 win over the team of Proteas. It was a huge upset for the South African side and a win all Aussies can be proud of.

Look out for our next up date on the next two games of New Zealand and Pakistan ending in a draw and Pakistan currently leading the series with 1 win lead. Jeremy W

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